Only 20mints from NRT,
TAKO rural-tourism


Only 20mints from NRT, TAKO rural-tourism.

Tako Town is located near Narita International Airport, making it one of the closest Japanese countryside experiences to the world, where you can immerse yourself in the traditional Japanese way of life. We have crafted three tours specifically designed for customers traveling to Japan or using Narita International Airport as a transit point.
These tours are meticulously planned to provide a deep understanding of Japanese culture and lifestyle. Whether you are a tourist exploring Japan or making a brief stopover at Narita Airport, these tours offer an opportunity to engage with and appreciate the traditional aspects of Japanese living.



Features of Tako Town

  • That is a 20-minute shuttle bus ride from Narita International Airport.
  • That is a place where you can experience the Japanese countryside.
  • That is famous in Japan for its delicious rice and has a vast and beautiful rural landscape.


  • それは成田国際空港から20分のシャトルバスで行ける場所です。
  • それは日本の田舎を体験できる場所です。
  • それは日本で美味しい米で有名で、広大で美しい田園風景が広がっています。

We have prepared three tours for customers traveling to Japan.

Please view each tour from the following.

The following are brochures for each tour.


